Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 17 SD 2007

As we watch the situation in Swaziland deteriorate from one week to the next, it is hard to find a healthy segment in this perverse kingdom.

The medical system is ready to crumble with inadequate equipment, drugs and supplies.

Educational needs are not being met as children and orphans are excluded while teachers are transfered throughout the country even when there are no accommodations available.

Socially, the country is in chaos. Stories appear in the paper about young girls who are raped by their own brothers and teen aged girls passed over as sex-slaves to men outside the country.

All the while government keeps talking as their hands go from the public purse to their own pockets. The PM talks about their "good looking king" who attracts foreigners and the residents of the capital begin to notice the EMAZIMU - the cannibals!

Plutocracy is government ruled by the wealthy - Democracy is ruled by the people. Change is coming to Swaziland.

June 16 Emazimu!

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